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File List | 1994-10-19 | 24.8 KB | 628 lines |
- Complete Listiong Of DOOM, and DOOM ][ Charactors!
- And other interesting stuff.
- Opening ....................................................... 1
- About DOOMania! BBS ........................................... 2
- Information on How to Join DOOMNet! ............................ 3
- Complete Monster List For Doom, and Doom ][ ................... 4
- Complete Weapon List For Doom, and Doom ][ .................... 5
- Complete List of new Bonuses for Doom ][ ....................... 6
- Complete List Of Level Names for Doom, and Doom ][. ........... 7
- A Quick Little Hint To END Level 30. .......................... 8
- A SECRET In Level 30. ......................................... 9
- Closing Statements ............................................ 10
- NOTE: All names are Copyrighted by their Respective owners.
- 1- Opening:
- This text file is for the Doom user who wants to know exactly what
- Monsters are in Doom, and in Doom ][. And what weapons, and armor is there
- to be taken in Doom, and Doom ][. I obtained this information. I DO NOT HAVE
- DOOM ][. I was however able to observe the levels, and get the information
- needed to write this from the Actual DOOM ][ Game That a Personal Friend has
- legally purchased.
- 2- About DOOMania! BBS
- DOOMania! BBS was started in Late August of 1994, by Paul Johnson
- It was put up to cator the Doom Crave in the MidWestern Part of the United
- States. I currently have close to 900 DOOM Only Files, and More come in
- Each day. I also wanted to give the users who call More then Files, I also
- wanted to give them a place where they could converse back and forth with
- one another about the game they love so much. So I gave them INTERNET Access
- to the alt.games.doom conference, and Setup The DOOMNet, So they could not
- only play the game, but really get into the meat of it, by learning about how
- to edit WADS, and Even make them, with the various WAD Editing tools available.
- The Forums in DOOMNet are solely for DOOM, and DOOM ][. This will give them
- the ability to get more information in a larger area, then a LOCAL BBS Forum
- ever could. I added a Second Line, so the Users of My BBS Could converse live
- with one another, and talk about Doom, or whatever floated their Boats, so to
- speak. You Can Call DOOMania! BBS 24Hrs A Day at:
- DOOMania! BBS Node 1: 1-317-662-8842
- DOOMania! BBS Node 2: 1-317-662-8811
- Both are 14.4 Lines!
- 3- Information on how to Join DOOMNet!
- DOOMNet As I mentioned earlier is going to be a HOT New DOOM Only
- QWK Network Service for Users to converse back and forth with one another
- about DOOM. It gives them the ability to ask questions, get answers, and
- find out the latest information from users all over the country. If you or
- Someone you know would be interested in Starting up DOOMNet. All you need to
- Do is Call DOOMania! BBS, And go into File area 21: There you can download
- DOOMNET.ZIP. In this Archive you will find all the information you will need
- to get you up and running. You Can ALSO Download DOOMNet.ZIP From The Game
- Palace BBS! I would Like to Thank Steve Huskisson For Helping me out in all
- I am trying to accomplish. He is The SysOp of The Game Palace BBS!
- 4- Complete Monster List For DOOM, And DOOM ][
- Okay. Here is the list of monsters in DOOM, and DOOM ][. They are
- listed in order from WEAKEST, To STRONGEST!
- I try my BEST to give a Complete, Accurate Description of EACH Demon
- In DOOM, And DOOM ][, However if I miss something, please contact me at:
- paul.johnson@Bthouse.com or 2001:2800/70 DARKNET or:
- 1-317-662-8842 Node 1 DOOMania! BBS
- 1-317-662-8811 Node 2 DOOMania! BBS
- And let me know what I missed, and will update this file.
- ZombieMan:
- ----------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: 9 Millimeter HandGun
- CLOTHING: Light Grey Cammi's
- This is the weakest of the Doom Charactor's. He comes equipped with
- a measly 9 Mil, And isnt very accurate when firing. He is a Human, But of
- course, Dead! He is easily killed, with any weapon including the handgun!
- ShotGun Man:
- ------------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: ShotGun
- CLOTHING: Dark Grey Cammi's
- Don't mistake this Human-Wanna-Be for The ZombiMan, That could be a
- Big Mistake. He's not a real accurate shot, but who needs to be with a ShotGun.
- He is slighly harder to kill then a ZombieMan. Don't stand in front of him for
- a long period of time, or youll be starting the level over.
- Heavy Metal Dude:
- -----------------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Chain Gun
- CLOTHING: Blood Red Clothing
- This guy look's like a Sumo Wrestler, only he is wearing Clothes.
- Stay out of his path if possible, he is accurate with the Chain Gun he
- carries with him. Although he totes a big weapon, and is considerably large
- himself, he Dies rather easily. Several good shots with a simple 9 mil, will
- completely RIP his Right arm off his Body, and sned him reeling to the ground
- in a bloody heap. AND You can then pick up the chaingun from him. This Mutant
- Can only be found in the DOOM ][ Game.
- Imp:
- ----
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Fire Ball's
- These are Slow FlameBall throwing Demons, with Huge Spikes protruding
- from their shoulders, and Back. Usually taked 5 to 7 shots to kill them with a
- 9 Mil, however an accurate shot from a Shotgun will down in him instantly.
- They are brown in color.
- Demon:
- ------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Bite
- A Pink half Gorilla half something else, Monster who will chew you
- up and spit you out without thinking about it. This is a tough one to kill
- but with accuracy you can down him in 2 ShotGun Blasts. The Best way to kill
- this Demon, is the Fire And run type attack. (With Smaller Guns Of Course)
- Lost Soul:
- ----------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Bite
- A Flaming Skull That flies through the air, biting you, until your body
- falls to the ground in a heaping mass. 3 to 5 Shotgun blasts will solve your
- Flaming Skull Problem. Hit And run Is a Good Attack, Butthey liketo follow you
- and are Extremely Fast when Flying.
- CacoDemon:
- ----------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Powerful Fire Ball
- A Big red one eyed blob who floats in the air shooting Fire Ball's at
- you. This monster is not an easy one to kill with any weapon. He has a
- tendancy to float way up, and sneak to you with you seeing him. 3 to 5 Rocket
- Blasts will take hium out, and way too many 9 Mil shots to even worry about
- using it, unless you have no other weapon. Hit and run is also a good attack
- since this monster is extremely slow. Don't let him ocrner you or it will be
- over depending on your weapon.
- Hell Night:
- -----------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Green FireBall's, and a Nasty Punch!
- This half Goat, helf half Zombie looking demon doesn't mess around.
- shoot's powerful green fire balls at you. He's a brown color, and is a twin
- to the Baron Of Hell. With one exception between the two besides color. This
- Demon is alot Weaker then the Baron is. 3 Good Rocket Shots will floor this
- Goathead.
- Baron Of Hell:
- --------------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Green FireBall's, and a nasty Punch!
- DO NOT Mistake this beast for a Hell Night if playing Doom ][. You'll
- be shocked when he doesnt go down so easily. And Also notice that this demon
- has a Pink Upperhalf. And Makes a different Sound When killed then the Hell
- Night. This demon isn't the fastest creature, but speed doesnt matter when his
- Fireballs fly towards you. Those are FAST.! Keep clear of this one with a
- 9 Mil. Just doesnt seem to phaze him!
- AnarchnoTron:
- -------------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Plasma Rifle (Shoot's Yellow Instead of Blue)
- This little pest is a Smaller Version of the Spider MasterMind. With
- A Couple Excptions. 1 He Shoots a Plasma Rifle instead of a Chain Gun. And 2
- He's about a third of the size, and seems to move somewhat faster then the big
- Spider does. Nonetheless, this thing is nothing to go 1 on 1 with. It shoot's
- with accuracy, and will take a couple good rocket shots to kill. Hit and run
- doesnt seem to work on this little crapper.
- Pain Elemental:
- ---------------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Lost Soul's
- This is a floating 1 eyed brown blob, with 2 stubby arms. He's very
- slow, but has one uniques asset that puts him out from the rest. He Shoot's
- those pesky Lost Souls at you. He's as powerful as a CacoDemon So it will
- take some careful shots to bring him down. But when you bring him down, it's
- not quite over. He will then evaporate into several lost souls upon death. If
- this monster isnt killed soon after spotting you, your going to be neck deep
- in Lost souls, and the more of them there are, the harder he is to kill.. So
- play it safe when you see this funky looking thing.
- Revenant:
- ---------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Flame Throwers, and A Devastating Right Hook!
- CLOTHING: Looks like a T-shirt, and Nothing below the waste.
- A large Very fast, skinny skeleton who is close enough willknock you out
- with a blow from his mean right hook. and if he can't get close enough to hit
- you with his fist, then he'll simply pummel you with his White hot flame balls.
- Your better off staying away from this guy altogether. He's bad news. He has
- a flameLauncher on each shoulder, and when you see him crouching down, its time
- to hi tail it outta of there. If your hit with those things it's lights out for
- you. And 1 punch from his mighty right hand can also take about 85% health
- away. So I would risk dodging the flames if need be. Dont go head to head with
- him, because you will lose unless you have an invulnerable sphere. And His
- Flame Balls pack a mamoth Wallop as well. Will send you back about 30 feet with
- each blow. I would save a rocket or 5 for this guy.
- ManCubus:
- ---------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: FlameThrowers
- The only way to describe this demon, is an overweight E.T. with
- flamethrowers in place of arms. He's extremely slow on the ground, and hits
- hard when he sees you. Your best bet is to far away, and aim hard on him from
- there. You almost certainly dont stand a chance up close with small weapons.
- Arch-Vile:
- ----------
- DOOM 1: No
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Lightning from the God's
- CLOTHING: None (Unless you consider Lightning a piece of Clothing)
- Well to put this guy bluntly. He's a Big lightning rod. This creature
- is a Soft white color, until he spots you. Then as if getting its power from up
- above, he raises his hands hi, and begins to glow of a Bright sun yellow. When
- you see this, better run as far away as you can. If you stay still, and fight
- youll be burned beyond recognition. And if it dont kill you when he does that,
- then he pickes you up, and throws you through the air. and then begins the
- burning process all over again. Your best bet is to catch this thing off
- guard with a rocket. And When in sight of him, move around at all times, or
- your toast.
- Spider MasterMind:
- ------------------
- DOOM 1: Yes ( INFERNO Episode 3 Level Boss)
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Chain Gun
- This is the INFERNO Level Boss at the end Of Episode 3. He's a big
- Metal Spider, with a large pulsating brain setting atop his Metal Leg's.
- He's not someone to play around with. IF you see him, take your time, and stay
- out of his way. He's deadly accurate with his chaingun, and can kill you even
- if you run from him. So rocket launch him, and stay hidden around corners. He
- doesnt move to fast, so you can hit him numerous times while moving.
- CyberDemon:
- -----------
- DOOM 1: Yes
- DOOM 2: Yes
- WEAPON: Rocket Launcher
- This is the baddest of all the monsters in Doom. If you ever go up
- against this big bad demon, you better come with at least 60 rockets, and alot
- of health. He's deadly accurate with his Rockets, and seems to shoot in 3's.
- Your best bet is to hit and run.. Dodge his rockets, and appeal with your own.
- It will definately take quite some time to kill him, but the victory is your
- when and if you have the power to do it. My suggestion for this monster is.
- If he's not the boss at the end of the level, then run like hell, because its
- not worth taking the time, and ammunition there is to kill him.. Run from him
- ands let someone else do it, and then kill them while trying..
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well there you have it. This is the list of all monsters in Doom, and
- Doom ][. I hope this gives you some visual images you can look forward to when
- Doom ][ comes out. For those of you who are Doom 1 Enthusiasts then you know
- what 90 percent of these demons look like, but for those of you who do not have
- Doom ][ yet, then these pose a monster threat to your game play. Youll have to
- be rough and tough when coming up against these guys.. Youve never seen the
- likes of them in Doom one, and never will....
- 5- Complete listing of New Weapons in Doom, and Doom ][
- Well this area wil give you the low down on weapon's in Doom And Doom ][
- Again, if i miss something please let me know at the above addresses, or call
- my BBS, DOOMania! BBS.
- ChainSaw:
- ---------
- This weapon can do some extreme harm to anyone who comes in contact
- with it. If you find a ChainSaw, you might wantto deactivate it unless you
- want the world to know where you are. they tend to be a might noisy, but they
- do posess the power to kill you quick. these are good weapons if your cornered.
- And also good weapons if you have your opponent cornered.
- 9 Millimeter HandGun:
- ---------------------
- This is the gun you start out with when either starting the game, or
- warping back into the level from Death. It will hold a normal maximum of 200
- bullets, but if you get a Back Pack full of ammo, your Maximum will increase
- to 400. Which is really good for the Chain Gun which is listed below.
- ShotGun:
- --------
- This is the Third Weapon on the list. It can do some extreme damage
- at close range, and seems to do less farther away, nonetheless, this is an
- excellent weapon for ZombieMen, and Even Shotgun Men.. The Capacity for the
- Shotgun is normall 50 rounds, but again, with the backpack, it increases to
- 100 shells possible. Be Nice if we could use them in the Chain Gun <G>..
- Double Barreled Shotgun:
- ------------------------
- This weapon is new to Doom ][, and it packs a mighty wallop when used
- at close range. dont get me wrong it kicks ass at long rang, but just doesnt
- do the same type of damage. You can kill an opponet in 1 blast from a double
- barreled shotgun. It is much slower then a normal shotgun. you actually see
- the gun open, and the shells popping out, and him put in 2 fresh shots. So
- the slowness is just like the real thing. BUT it can still throw em out with
- the rest of em. For some people ive talked to this is the gun of choice in a
- close range confrontation. It is a powerful alternitive to the normal shotgun.
- (You access the Single Shot and double shot gun using the 3 button. hit it once
- and you get shotgun, hit it again, and you get the Double Barrel.) This gun
- holds the same amount of ammo, and uses the same amount of ammo that the normal
- shotgun uses.
- ChainGun:
- ---------
- This weapon is a 6 barreled gun. IT will shoot Bullets extremely fast
- giving you the ability to spray an area, and kill all in it. This weapon uses
- the same ammo that the 9 mil has, so if you see clips then grab em, and also
- ammo boxes.. those will keep you in enough ammo to wipe out an opponent.
- Rocket Launcher:
- ----------------
- This is my favorite gun. Although it only holds upto 50 rockets in a
- normal setting, the back pack gives you the ability to carry 100 of them. This
- is the weapon to use for taking out your opponent or demon quickly. but be warned
- you do not want to be close to the opponent or demon when firing, because the
- shrapnel will come back at you thus taking pressious health away. So if used
- in a distance type setting, it works well. and it is awesome when your opponent
- doesnt move, becase it will track on him, and then blow him to chunks. I love
- it when that happens.
- Plasma Rifle:
- -------------
- A Very hi tech toy, with the ability to splatter your opponent quickly
- using a little amount of Cell energy. Your maximum holding capacity for the
- plasma Rifle is 300, but with back Pack you can hold 600 Cell's.. Plenty to
- kill any opponent with exception to the CyberDemon. This is an excellent
- DeathMatch Weapon. It fires Blue Plasma Balls at the opponent or Demon. If
- your oppnent happens to have one of these babies, i suggest running like hell
- to the nearest Plasma Gun, or blowing him to chunks with a rocket. 9 Mil is out
- of the question on this weapon holder.
- BFG9000:
- --------
- This is the Daddy of all Weapons. The BFG As im sure youve already
- Guessed stands for Big F***ing Gun. And believe me when you get it you will
- know you have it. IT uses Cell Energy just like the Plasma Gun. The only
- downfall to this weapon is its extreme slowness in firing. I have been killed
- many a time in Dethmatch thinking this gun could make it before the rocket
- got to me. And it never did. I rarely use this gun in the Deathmatch levels
- but will use it in heavy demon areas. and it will take them out in 1 blast.
- Truely the strongest weapon in Doom, but truelly the slowest acting weapon..
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Well there is the list of ALL weapons in Doom, and Doom ][. As you can
- see there is only 1 New Weapon in Doom ][, and it's the double barreled Shot
- gun. But as you read, its a hell of a gun when used in close range settings.
- 6- New Bonuses For Doom ][.
- I was going to list ALL Bonuses for Doom, and Doom ][, but Im sure you
- all already know them. I really dont know why I listed all the weapons to tell
- you the truth. But oh well its done now, and im not erasing it. So here is the
- BIG List of New Bonuses in Doom ][, for those of you unaware of them at this
- point in time.
- MegaSphere:
- -----------
- This sphere is Brown in color compared to the Blue 200% health sphere.
- the Thing that is unique with this sphere is that when you hit it not only does
- your health increase to 200%, so does your armor. And oh yes for those of you
- thinking 199%, nope it is 200% on both.. Big 1% upgrade from the Doom 1.2 Huh!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- That's all the new Bonuses in Doom ][. Man that was a huge list. Well
- id must have spent so much time on the Monsters and levels, that they didnt
- have time for the Bonuses. Maybe in the next one guys..
- 7- Complete listing of All Level Names, and episodes in Doom, and Doom ][.
- This list is taken straight from the Warp Menu of Both Doom, and Doom ][.
- So is accurate with exception to my sloppy spelling. Again, any corrections can
- be made to me at the above locations. Thanks
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------
- Episode One Knee-Deep in the Dead
- ------------------------------------
- Hangar
- Nuclear Plant
- Toxin Refinery
- Command Control
- Phobos Lab
- Central Processing
- Computer Station
- Phobos Anomaly
- Military Base
- ------------------------------------
- Episode Two The Shores of Hell
- ------------------------------------
- Deimos Anomaly
- Containment Area
- Refinery
- Deimos Lab
- Command Center
- Walls of the Damned
- Spawning Vats
- Tower of Babel
- Fortress of Mystery
- ------------------------------------
- Episode Three Inferno
- ------------------------------------
- Hell's Keep
- Slough of Despair
- Pandemonium
- House of Pain
- Unholy Cathedral
- Mt. Erebus
- Limbo
- Dis
- Warrens
- Now for the Level Names Of Doom ][.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------
- Episode One Space Station
- ------------------------------------
- EntryWay
- UnderHalls
- The Gantlet
- The Focus
- The Waste Tunnels
- The Crusher
- Dead Simple
- Trick's And Traps
- The Pit
- Refueling Base
- 'O' of Destruction
- -----------------------------------
- Episode Two The City
- -----------------------------------
- The Factory
- DownTown
- The Inmost Dens
- Industrial Zone
- Suberbs
- Tenements
- The CourtYard
- The Citadel
- Gotcha
- ------------------------------------
- Episode Three Hell
- ------------------------------------
- Nirvana
- The CataCombs
- Barrels O' Fun
- The Chasm
- BloodFall's
- The Abandoned Mines
- Monster Condo
- The Spirit World
- The Living End
- Icon Of Sin
- Well there is every Level in Doom, and Doom ][. I will state now that
- Doom ][, actually doesnt go by Episodes, rather it goes straight through the
- whole 30 episodes if you choose to. From level 1 to level 30. They are still
- split up into names and corresponding levels for accuracy, but do not use an
- episode start. you can warp to what ever level, but if you simply type in
- DOOM2.EXE and hit return, your going to go into level 1 whether you want to
- or Not.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8- A Quick Hint For Beating The Level 30 Monster Boss
- When you play Doom 2, and you make it to the 30th Level, or better
- known as the Icon of Sin. Here is the secret to beating this tougher then hell
- level. For those of you who do not want to know. simply hit your Page Down Key
- and move on to the next topic. Or read below these lines for a cool hint on a
- cool Secret in level 30.
- Okay. in order to beat level 30 heres what you do. When you start, pick
- up all weapons of course. and go to the warp. When you get out of warp, look
- for a GOAT Head Pentagram wall marker. And Hit the Wall to Lower it. When it
- raises up, look for another Symbol identical to the first, and hit it as well.
- this will take you upto yet another level. look once again for the symbol, hit
- it, and go up again. this time you need to go to the big thing on the wall that
- resembles a big pair of glasses in my opinion, and hit it as well. this will
- bring up a piller from the poisen river below you. Now go all the way to the
- bottom again, and hit the piller. it will bring it down. step on the piller and
- ride it up. Make sure you hit the GOAT On the Wall in the little opening where
- his Brain shows through. YOU MUST USE A ROCKET LAUNCHER To Kill him. IT does not
- work with anything else but that. You must be careful to aim your shots, because
- its not a clear shot. youll either go to high or to low. so make sure you hit
- at justthe right moment while still rising on the pillar. When you hit him 4
- times with the rocket launcher You will see the massive explosion as he muddles
- down to a heap of nothing, thus ending the game, and youve won.
- 9- A Secret Room In Level 30 That You Can Get To!
- Now here's a secret in this level, which I have yet to find a door to
- actually enter and see this without cheating. So heres the cheat to see this.
- Turn Clipping mode off: IDCLIP. Boy that was hard huh!. Anyway. Use that
- command, and turn it off, so you can walk through walls. Then when you are on
- the pillar, and its all the way up. Jump onto the Goat Ledge. If you use run
- on it, your will make it. Then go through the wall. There you will see a
- DIGITIZED Picture of Some Long Haired Guy, im thinking might be one of The
- Tech Support guys. It looks like who i saw posing in a magazine with the rest of
- the id guys. I Could be wrong but it looks like him, hair and all..
- 10- Closing Statements.
- This concludes the complete list of everything Doom, and Doom ][
- has to offer. I hope this encourages you to go out and buy a Copy from GT
- Interactive, or from id Software. Or your local retailer when it comes out.
- Doom, and Doom ][, are the most awesome 1st Person Games available today, and
- are worth every penny in registration.
- If you know of any other secrets that Doom ][ offers, Email me, at
- one of the sights above, or call DOOMania! BBS, and leave me mail. I will
- be updating this Little FAQ file Every So Often.
- Thanks for taking a look at this. Here is where this File Can Be
- Located.
- DOOMania! BBS Node 1: 1-317-662-8842 14.4 bps line
- DOOMania! BBS Node 2: 1-317-662-8811 14.4 bps line
- Game Palace BBS 1-305-587-4258 14.4 bps line
- infant2.sphs.indiana.edu and it's mirrors